A few Fun Facts about me | Kelly Smith Photograph. I find enjoyment in reading blog posts highlighting fun facts about artists. I thought it would be a fun one to put together for anyone interested to know me a little better.

1* I LOVE coffee and wine. Not together. Coffee in the am and wine in the PM.

2* I grew up in the Norther Territory on a property. I had the most exciting life. I rode horses my entire life. Pony club, western pleasure, Polocrosse, (represented the NT) Campdrafted, Rodeos, (barrel racing, steer un-decorating, riding steers and even a bull! (siting here now shaking my head) 😱 and now we have reloaded back to Darwin to live to raise our two girls. Surrounded with horses and cattle and motorbikes…

3* I left school and became a hairdresser. I traveled around Australia. After many awesome jobs, working in pubs, pouring beer, picking grapes, rouse about, working for a racehorse trainer, being a live in nanny for a vet nurse on a large sheep property to driving 300tone dump trucks and graders in the mines.

4* I LOVE being on the open road traveling with my gorgeous family. The more remote the better. Australia is beautiful.

5* I married my husband in 2007 we have two gorgeous girls, 3 Jack Russell’s I very old cat and 3 horses.

6* I cuss way too much… My husband thinks it is my second language. ha ha

7* I love helping others. I love hanging out with like minded entrepreneurs. I don’t hold back. I’m an open book!

8* I am a Vegan. Plant based lifestyle.

9* I’m a textile person. I love to write in journals. I write down what I have to do for the week and use a lovely pen and highlighters.

10* I shoot people for a living.. ha ha that never get’s old. I shoot with a canon mirrorless R5 and a 5D marl iv cameras. Above all, I am so grateful I can do what I love for a living.

If you would like to have a family session with me, I’d love to chat with you and create some magical moments for you to cherish. x